
Zombie Power

Due to recent post about zombie love, edigator was flooded with unending questions about the emotional nature of the zombie. Do they love? Is s/he driven by pure passion? Is it a spiritual hunger? When s/he wants your brain, is it because of solitude?

So we conducted strenuous zombie research and a series of autopsies (which, if we may say so, were not that easy, with all the biting situation…) and here we have, specially for you, a zombie brain:

So, if you know a zombie, and now with this detailed knowledge of s/his drives and urges, you may now enjoy life (er… death) and just keep away of sharp edges (teeth, hands).

And to conclude, a society which under normal circumstances would have never reached the pinnacle of Western civilization (since they had no blacks or latinos), but did so with the wondrous fortune of the zombie slavery.
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This work by Edigator is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Derivadas 3.0 Estados Unidos License.