They are these monstrous tumors from hell. They can be lodged in the ovaries, testes, neck, tounge, coccix, brain, they can be anywhere!
The thing that makes them extraordinary, is that these lovely tumors have hair, teeth, eyes, faces, and sometimes even hands. They move. If you try to extirpate them, they hide. If you burn them, they shrivel and tremble (osea... eek!)
The Catholic Church used to consider they should be baptized before being buried, after their removal.
These are some disturbing teratomas I found in the internet:
with teeth:
with hand:with face:
Anyway, I was reminded of the famous case of this lady with the vagina dentata (or toothed vagina). After several medical studies it was concluded that what was ripping, biting and chewing penises was her teratoma.
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