
Gato and Cheese

The edigator has a master (these is how divinity works).
Hir master plays with the edigator´s frail feelings by torturing hir with everlasting shrilling howls and inordinate demands.

In addition, Master has extremely sensitive taste buds which demand palatable morsels of pleasure such as... cheese. However, since the edigator is from a place were cows are thirsty and their tits shrivel and fall off, we came to Wisconsin (aka Gringolandia).

Just for the cheese.

To a place where cows prance happily, filled with mirth and milk.

So, finally, I bought master the much sought after cheese.

This was his outmost noble and sincere reaction to the much expected scrumptious delight:

Conclusion: Wisconsin cheese sucks!

Creative Commons License
This work by Edigator is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Derivadas 3.0 Estados Unidos License.